More British women are Gathering to join ISIL Takfiri group in Iraq and Syria, with many apparently involved in torturing and even ordering the execution of Iraqi and Syrian girls captured as sex slaves, a report revealed.

7 December 2014 - 07:01
 Report: British women oversee Isil abuse, sexual slavery of girls

According to a number of social media accounts, Syrian and Iraqi girls taken by ISIL militants are being held by female members of the group, known as Al-Khansaa Brigade, with many subject to daily physical abuse and rape, RT reported.

In some cases, the girls are sold for as little as £27, according to some media reports.

Al-Khansaa Brigade is known as the all-female wing of the ISIL. While some have reportedly fought on the frontline with male fighters, the main role of the group is to police behavior and order punishments for those suspected of defying the Takfiri group.

It is believed around 500 Britons have traveled to Syria and Iraq since the conflict began. 
