Bodybuilder Imran Khawaja demanded cocoa, butter and toiletries and complained when friends failed to send them to Syria.

10 February 2015 - 11:42
ISIS “Barbie” Faked his Death, demanded Cocoa so Return to Britain + Pics

Bodybuilder Imran Khawaja demanded cocoa, butter and toiletries and complained when friends failed to send them to Syria.

The 27-year-old was a leading figure in a linked group to the ISIL, and appeared in several promotional videos and images, including one where he is holding a severed head.

The British terrorist was nicknamed “Barbie” and complained of not having moisturiser and toilet paper in Syria, a court heard.

Bodybuilder Imran Khawaja demanded cocoa butter and toiletries as well as condoms and complained when his friends failed to send them.

He and his group faked his death with messages on social media last year so he could try and slip back to the UK undetected.

Khawaja's family even tried to cajole him into returning by sending pictures of food.

But he only planned to come back to raise money for weapons and to recruit other fanatics to return to Syria with him, Woolwich Crown Court heard.

In a letter to the court, Khawaja apologised for his actions and urged other young Britons not to make the same mistake an fall for terrorist propaganda.

In the note to the judge, he said: “I will just like to apologise for the laws I have broke.I am sincerely sorry. I have let my country, my family and my community down.

Khawaja, of Southall, Middlesex, previously admitted preparation of terrorist acts and attending a terrorism training camp between January and June last year.

