Dozens of Palestinians joined a demonstration held in Gaza City afternoon Saturday to condemn the recent murder of three American Muslims in North Carolina in the United States.

15 February 2015 - 07:52
 Gaza rally over murder of 3 Muslims in North Carolina

Dozens of Palestinians joined a demonstration held in Gaza City afternoon Saturday to condemn the recent murder of three American Muslims in North Carolina in the United States.

The demo came at the invitation of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas. Protesters lifted banners slamming the murder of the three Muslims.

The murder was executed in “cold blood” and “in a country that claims to be democratic,” Hamas leader Mohamed Abu Askar said on the sidelines of the march.

Abu Askar denounced the silence maintained by the U.S. administration and media vis-à-vis the murder, which he branded a “racist and blind-hate-crime.”

“Mr. President what have these innocent people been killed for? . . . Where have you been when all of this took place. We thought that you’d voice your condemnation of the crime and stand by the victims’ families,” he said addressing the U.S. president.

He further condemned the silence maintained by the Western countries and international human rights institutions, reiterating the need to condemn terrorism everywhere without double standards.

“This is an attack against Islam and humanity. It has to be condemned just like any other crime committed in the world,” he added.

Earlier, Obama described the murder as "brutal and outrageous", pointing out that a probe has been launched to look into the background.

Three American Muslims were shot dead by the American extremist Craig Stephen Hicks, who has proclaimed responsibility for the crime in a residential complex near the North Carolina university last Wednesday.

The victims were identified as Chapel Hill residents Diah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife Yusor Abu-Salha, 21, and her sister Razan Abu-Salha, 19.

Police said the attack followed a dispute over parking and that a probe has been launched to look into whether the shooter was motivated by hatred toward Muslims.

