A Danish woman named Semona embraced Islam in the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS).
It is to be remembered that this woman embraced Islam after studying and research. She said that the environment of the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS) is very spiritual and she felt complete and contentedafter embracing Islam. New followerof Islam MsSemona is 24 years old.
She said that she was in contact with many Muslim friends and got interested in knowing about Islam. While reading about the religion of Islam, she realized that Islam is a complete religion.
She further said that her mother is a teacher in a school of Muslims. Her mother received translated copy of holy Quran in Danish language from the school as a gift. Semona started to read and think about the holy Quran which revolutionized her thought.
She said that she wanted to know about the true purpose of her life which she realized after reading holy Quran.
Semona said that she used to discuss with her Muslim friends whatever she reads in holy Quran. She said that reading holy Quran woke arevolutionary inside her.
Semona reached Mashhad with an Iranian friend of her and embraced Islam.
She said that she studied a lot about Islam and she is thankful to almighty Allah that Allah showed her the righteous path.
Semona has changed her name to Fatima. She said that teachings of Islam are in accordance with the nature of human beings.
She said that embracing Islam feelslike she is born again and that she felt happy and satisfied after embracing Islam. Semona further said that recitation of holy Quran is a cause of spiritual satisfaction.
Semona received the gifts of copies of holy Quran and pictures of shrine of Imam Reza (AS).