“The Holy book of Quran introduces Muhammad Prophet (S) as a person who selected and sent among human being to bring justice,” the General Secretary of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought said, Ayatollah Mohsen Araki.

26 February 2015 - 06:48
Senior Shi'a cleric warns of fake Shi’ism created by the West

“The Holy book of Quran introduces Muhammad Prophet (S) as a person who selected and sent among human being to bring justice,” the General Secretary of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought said, Ayatollah Mohsen Araki.

Speaking in a meeting under the banner of “Islamic Unity, Probing Shi’a and Sunni Extremist Streams,” Ayatollah Mohsen Araki stressed the pivotal role of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad (S) in bringing justice to the world.

The General Secretary of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought stressed this very line that the prophets and infallible imams spent their lives for bringing justice in the world and for arriving at this very objective, people should also have made a move and helped them but they did not, and instead turning a blind eye to their religious duties.

“The right path is defined by the Prophet (S),” said Ayatollah Araki urging Muslims to abide by the lifestyle of Infallible Prophet and follow the Islamic teachings and instructions.

As far as unity and solidarity prevails between Islamic schools of thoughts, they can be at the helm of power. According to Ayatollah Araki, the enemies aim at the unity between Shi’a and Sunni, sparing no effort to advancing these very objective.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Ayatollah Araki touched upon some extremist moves and rituals which are done and held under the name of Islam and severed any possible ties between such measures and the divine religion of Islam.

The Grand Ayatollah also pointed to anti-Shi’a moves which are perpetrated and orchestrated by some extremist revolutionary groups and thugs in the society and went on to add that measures as such have nothing to do with Shi’a teachings. The senior cleric underlined those who perpetrated such misdeeds are after projecting a false image of this Islamic denomination.

In another part of his remarks, the Grand Ayatollah underlined the enemies of Islam are after permeating and promulgating some deviated precepts and standpoints that in their lines formed the bedrock of Shi’a sect. They offer such faked principles as the Shi’a denomination in western societies.

The General Secretary of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought dismissed all the foresaid measures and stressed any extremist move and instances is not acceptable by the sect and among the true Shi’a people.

The Grand Ayatollah beware Shi’a people of the hatched plots and ploy in this area, urging people to refrain from blindly following these groups. The Grand Ayatollah pointed to the lifestyle of some religious clerics including Ayatollah Boroujerdi and Shaykh Ansari.

The senior cleric underscored that the lifestyle of aforementioned faces should be counted as an icon by Muslims. Ayatollah Araki sternly warned about deceiving Muslim youth who join extremist groups for defending the divine religion of Islam.

General Secretary of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought pointed as well to the latent layers behind the standing catalogue of crimes done under the name of Islam in the world and placed emphasis on some certain countries which engineer such moves and orchestrate extremist measures, projecting them as the Islamic teachings and instructions.

The enemies claim that “Shi’ism is after the monopoly of the world,” underscored Ayatollah Araki urging the World to stand against them. In his line, these groups enlarged on this oblivious lie that “Shi’a hand over the reins of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and plunging Bahrain in a plagued mile.”

“Through such cunning way, the enemies egged on the youths,” stressed Ayatollah Araki adding what we are witnessing is forwarding malignant thesis advanced by groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda, which by nature, are engendered by these powers.

The General Secretary of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought warned Muslims of the great danger threatening the World of Islam. Anti-Shi’a moves, according to Ayatollah Araki “is seeking to widen a gap among Shi’a and Sunni people. “

According to Ayatollah Araki, enemies aim at the standing unity and solidarity in Islamic Republic of Iran, trying to part Shi’a and Sunni people in the countries. Trying to advance measures which in turn led to pitting Shi’a and Sunni against each other and triggering off showdown among them.

The Grand Ayatollah spotlighted the stances and positions taken by some certain Arab countries which all are after enriching this wilful move and called on all Shi’a and Sunni people to be more vigilant at the very present situation.

To Ayatollah Araki, the main danger threatens Muslim nations is a fake sect of Shi’a introduced in west regions including London. General Secretary of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought demanded Muslims to make a move and foil such machination, not letting their enemies fulfill their aims.

